The EUropean Week

[Spanish version here] In our aim and desire to accompany and inform you about the competitions and other contractual relationships that allow access to work in the European institutions, we have scheduled info sessions in the coming weeks with Q&A at the end so you can ask your doubts. On May 6th and 7th sessions will be in English, on May 8th and 9th we will discuss the same contents in Spanish.

Webinars in English will be:

  • CAST processes:  Monday, May 6th from 18:30 to 19:30 CET (Madrid, Brussels): we will discuss the contract agents selection processes CAST (Contract Agents Selection Tool).
  • Tests in the upcoming and ongoing competitionsTuesday, May 7th from 18:30 to 19:30 CET (Madrid, Brussels): we will discuss the different tests included in the upcoming and ongoing competitions (AD7 Transport field, AD7 Nuclear field, AD5 Generalists,…)

These webinars are free and with limited spots. It’s compulsory to fill in this form to participate (you will get the connection details before the webinar)

Webinar will be recorded and uploaded into our youtube channelby participating in them you authorize to be recorded. All data will be handled according to EU regulations in force and with the single purpose of these webinars. (informative clause and our data protection policy)

Morevover, we’ll publish here new free exercises and materials from 2nd May.

La Semana EUropea

[English version here ] En nuestro afán e intención de acompañaros e informaros de las competiciones de oposición y de otras relaciones contractuales que posibilitan el acceso a trabajar en instituciones europeas, hemos programado sesiones informativas en las próximas días donde podrás preguntar todas tus dudas al final de la sesión. Los días 6 y 7 de Mayo serán en inglés y los días 8 y 9 de mayo trataremos los mismos contenidos en español.

Los seminarios online en español serán:

  • Los procesos CASTMiércoles 8 de Mayo de 18:30 a 19:30 CET (Madrid, Bruselas): abordaremos los procesos de selección de agentes contractuales CAST (Contract Agents Selection Tool).
  • Las pruebas de las competiciones en curso y por venirJueves 9 de Mayo de 18:30 a 19:30 CET (Madrid, Bruselas): trataremos las diferentes pruebas que se incluyen en las distintas competiciones, las que están por venir y las  que se están desarrollando actualmente (AD7 ámbito Transportes, AD7 ámbito Nuclear, AD5 Generalistas,…)

Las sesiones son gratuitas y con plazas limitadas. Es obligatoria la inscripción en este formulario (los participantes recibirán los datos de conexión antes de cada webinar).

Las sesiones serán grabadas y subidas a nuestro canal de youtube, participando en estos webinar autorizas a ser grabado. Los datos recogidos son de uso exclusivo para la gestión de estos webinar y gestionados conforme a la regulación europea vigente (cláusula informativa y nuestra política de protección de datos).

Además, iremos publicando por aquí nuevos ejercicios y materiales a partir del día 2.

Los Reyes visitan las oposiciones europeas

Hola a todos,

Lo creais o no, los Reyes también visitan Ya Semos Europeos, aunque los nuestros son croquetamente un poco especiales (ahí os dejamos su foto) y en vez de oro, incienso y mirra, nos han dejado toda una colección de cositas de utilidad para esto de las oposiciones europeas.

CBT – computer based test o los psicotécnicos

El clásico de los clásicos. Recordad que en blog explicamos, por la patilla, de que va cada prueba : Razonamiento verbal, razonamiento numérico y razonamiento abstracto. ¿Cómo? la teoría muy bonita pero ¿y la práctica? bueno, en nuestro canal hemos subido nuevos ejercicios e iremos subiendo más durante el año, aquí tenéis de numérico 1 y 2 , verbal o abstracto 1, 2 , 3, 4. Y durante la cuesta de enero habrá más sorpresas.

MCQ – Multiple choise questions o el examen de conocimientos

El nuevo modelo de oposiciones EPSO ha traido esta prueba de conocimientos y muchos nos preguntais por ellas, así que les hemos pedido a los Reyes que nos trajeran unos ejemplitos parra practicar

Si los Reyes te trajeron un vale para nuestras formaciones en esos MCQ, o no, simplemente te interesan para darle caña al asunto, aquí toda la info.

¿Y para los de juristas-linguistas? ¡claro! también nos han traido otro ejemplito de traducción de lengua 2 a lengua 1. Recordad que este post os puede inspirar para seguir preparando el tema.

¿Generalistas AD5? ¿alguien ha dicho algo? bueno, EPSO largo nos lo fía hasta que publique la convocatoria (más detalles aquí), mientras, aquí os dejamos una preguntillas para ir prácticando. Publicaremos más a lo largo del año, así que estád atentos.

Para estudiar los MCQ

Vale, los tests están muy bien pero ¿de donde saco ideas para estudiar? bueno, de esas tenemos unas cuantas y los Reyes nos las han recordado. Por ejemplo, en este video para propiedad intelectual , si lo vuestro Crisis y Migración, en este webinar lo vimos en detalle y en el caso de Transporte, otro webinar super útil(a partir del minuto 38).

¡GENERALISTAS! queremos generalistas como si fuera roscón de reyes (estaréis pensando). Bien, nada más sencillo, no hay que dejarse ni un euro en el tema, vamos con fuentes gratuitas y al alcance de todos (nuestros Reyes piensan en todas las croquetillas). En primer lugar Los tratados, y el ABC-EU law (en su edición de 2023, fresquito viene), con eso tendréis las bases de las instituciones y sus politicas. Si queréis adrentaros un poco más, os recomendamos que mireis las Fichas del Parlamento Europeo  y los materiales publicados por los departamentos de Comunicación de la Comisión (factsheets, gráficos, resumenes) que permiten ir conociendo mejor en que consisten y que se está haciendo en cada una de las 6 prioridades políticas, con eso tendreis que ir construyendo un mapa mental (tomando notas y haciendo esquemas) de todo lo qhe hay ya que no hay libro que pueda resumir todo.

Case study o caso práctico

Pues si, de esto publicamos en su día un post. Ahora ha cambiado un pelín, en vez de 90 minutos y todo el mismo día, tendreis acceso a los documentos antes (este es el examen de propiedad intelectual) unas 2 semanas, para ir preparando el documento. Luego el día del examen, en 45 min tendréis que resolver las preguntas que os pongan ¿fácil? 

Así que desde YSE os deseamos un buen arranque de año y ¡mucho ánimo! este será vuestro año de las oposiciones europeas

What 2023 left us….and a promising 2024

Dear all,

Yes, the year ends and we have been a year that we can describe as “interesting”. In 2023, we have stopped many of our efforts and illusions to get our dream of working in the European institutions, and during their dozen months we got plenty of emotions : a new EPSO model has been launched, the launch was delayed, competitions have been cancelled (the famous AST154 with its 6 profiles, it was a pity our webinar looked so good), there have been new calls, examinations interruptus and promises of what will come in 2024. So in our post today we will talk about the bad news and the good news (yes there are!) around European competitions, the Commission’s internal competitions and we’ll end telling you how from Ya Semos Europeos can help you in 2024 .

[Spanish version of this article here]

Let’s talk about the bad news on 2023 (good ones come after)

Desde que EPSO anunció a bombo y platillo el nuevo modelo y lanzó el nuevo modelo de oposición pese a las nubes que se veían en el horizonte (lo que motivo postponer el arranque de primavera a otoño de 2023 las primeras oposiciones), la cosa no mejoró y tanto EPSO, como los candidatos, les tocó sufrir un baño de realidad.

Since EPSO created a big hype announcing the new model and launched it despite the clouds looming on the horizon (which forced them to move the first competitions from spring to autumn 2023), things didn’t improve and both EPSO and the candidates experienced a hard reality check.

The IT platform chosen for the exams didn’t work like clockwork and in several competitions (Intellectual Property, Crisis, Migration and Economists) in view of the significant number of people who could not be examined (EPSO has not published the numbers but all points to incidents, where the candidate could not be examined, were well above 25 %) the tests had to be organised again in order to give candidates the missed opportunity. The preliminary results of the second attempt were so good that they stopped the examinations and put them on hold until February (at the earliest – EPSO dixit)

Some infos didn’t age well.

This has prompted other competitions, such as the expected Ad5 Generalists, to be cancelled for the time being and without a fixed date for return (rumors say it could be September 2024). In the images below, you can see what EPSO announced in May 2023, after a first postponement and what we now have on its website. We saw Intellectual Property, Crisis, Migration and Economists published more or less in time but already Transport (click to see our webinar) and Lawyer linguist opened later than expected (at the end of the year) while Generalists and other oppositions were postponed without new dates.

Here we are, crossing the fingers and confident that the problem will be settled earlier than later. It will be our natural optimism but we are convinced that this spring/summer, as well as heat, will give us good European competitions for all.

The good news in 2024

Not everything is going to be bad, we will see some good news for this new year

  • The postponements give us more time to prepare ourselves, especially in the two key tests, the MCQ (Multiple Choice Questionnaire) and the Case study, where having the booklet in advance requires us to work carefully to prepare for it, so familiarising ourselves with the topic with time is always positive.
  • EPSO remains committed to its new online model and to the European Union’s knowledge tests, so what we have done so far has not been for nothing. We are studying gradually and taking advantage of the accumulated effort..
  • The waiting can only bring more competitions or competitions with more places. Time is still moving for EU staff too. EU staff is getting old and many are retiring these years. Renewal is needed and competitions are key to achieve this, so when everything is settled, competitions will be back in full force.
  • More profiles will come. In addition to generalists, once the technical breakthrough has been settled, there will be a multitude of different profiles, which, although not confirmed yet,they will be the same or more varied than hitherto.
  • More inspiration available. Let’s put aside our concerns, we can find inspiration on people who achieved their goals, this helps us to stay motivated and work for our great goal. That is why we continue to talk to our croquetillas (candidates) who have managed to achieve their dream of getting their place in the European institutions. This year we were able to talk to Zaloa (click to watch – original audio in Spanish) and to Ángel (click to watch), we hope they will give you ideas for the year you start. Stay alert, we will soon upload another video and more to come in 2024.
  • If you are a YSE student, the whole situation with EPSO is attacking your nerves (ours too!) but not your pocket. All of you who have trusted in us know that beyond the materials and sessions we have committed, we are extending and updating the trainings until the very same day of the examination. Our commitment remains with us until the end of the examination.

The Internal Competitions

Si trabajas en la Comisión o en otra institución, los procesos internos de selección han sido la tabla de salvación de muchas croquetillas para pasar a ser funcionarios europeos. Aunque tuvieron sus baches los procesos de 2022-23 concluyeron satisfactoriamente (Enhorabuena a las decenas de croquetillas que tuvimos el honor de ayudar en esa aventura, fuera en AD5, AD6 y todas las demás), las de 2023 se han lanzado satisfactoriamente (AST4, AD5, AD8, AD10, AD12) (aquí podéis ver nuestro webinar para los amigos de Generation2004, el principal sindicato de la Comisión) y ahora toca esperar resultados de los examenes o los talent screener para ir a la fase de entrevistas que se espera a partir de Marzo.

If you work in the Commission or in another institution, the internal selection procedures have been the lifeline for many to become European officials. With some delays, the 2022-23 processes were successfully completed (congratulations to the dozens of our candidates we had the honour of helping in that adventure, in AD5, AD6 and all others). Then, the 2023 processes have been successfully launched (AST4, AD5, AD8, AD10, AD12, AD) (here you can see our webinar for the friends of Generation2004, the Commission’s main trade union) and it now comes to wait for results from examinations or talent screener to go to the stage of oral tests, which are expected from March.

If you could not join these competitions, don’t worry, 2024 looks promising, charged with new opportunities. The Commission has finally announced a new competition to apply at AST levels from AST/SC positions (secretariat), the classic AD5 will take place (by second quarter if they follow the schedule) as well as other levels and profiles. You will be informed in a timely manner here or in our telegram and linkedin.

In 2024 , what can YSE do for me?

If you read this, probably you won’t be interested to read about the more 12 training groups for AD5 generalists, internal competition, case study from Energy-Clima-Environment or agencies or the dozens of assessment sessions (SCBI, Field related, oral presentation, oral test-internal competition) that we have launched in 2023 and all the candidates who passed with us in Space and Defence (EPSO/AD/400/22), Audivisual , building and laboratories technicians (EPSO/AST/150/21) , Head of Administration in delegation EPSO/AST/153/22 , internal competitions from the Commission AD5, AD6, AD7, AD9 and AD12 (More than one and two name on each reserve list know us well ; -), and more.

Probably you are more interested in knowing how did they do so? what trainings did they follow? well, let explain us our proposals

0.- Free resources

1.-CBT training

  • What’s in it? 4 sessions : Verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, abstract reasoning. Original YSE materials and exercises in English.
  • Our Methodology Online, a zoom session that is recorded so that you can repeat or enjoy it if you cannot connect. Videos and materials are accessible for 1 year.
  • When does it start? February. From 18.30 to 20.30
  • This trainings is good for….? All EPSO competitions and CAST exams (Contractual agent). All have these test.
  • Where can I join? Here you can join and read all the details an conditions .


  • What’s in it? Theory of the written exercise, 5 exercises for practice with individualised correction and 3 sessions to analyse the exercises. The sessions will be in English and practice in English (some of the written test can be held in French).
  • Our Methodology Online, a zoom session that is recorded so that you can repeat or enjoy it if you cannot connect. Exercises, in exam format, on our platform of practice.
  • When does it start? Next in February .
  • This trainings is good for….? All EPSO competitions, under the new model, they include this written test
  • Where can I join? In this link you can read all details about scheduled sessions and join.

3.- MCQ – Institutions and policies of the EU and digital skills

  • What’s in it? 1000 questions and materials on the EU (history, institutions and policies) + 150 questions on digital skills.
  • Our Methodology Online, a zoom session that is recorded so that you can repeat or enjoy it if you cannot connect. The 6 sessions + pre-examination session are extended to January 2024, to reach the ceiling for the examination.
  • When does it start? Next will begin in February
  • This trainings is good for….? AD5 Generalists.
  • Where can I join? In this link and also to read the other details.

4.-MCQ trainings for specialist

5.- ASSESSMENT sessions

  • What are they? Dedicated sessions for practice in the corresponding EPSO Assessment Centre test (Field related interview, Oral Presentation, Situational Competence based Interview (SCBI), Competence Based Interview (CBI). Practice is done in English or French. Feedback in English, the preliminary theory is available in a specific recording to give more space to practice.
  • Our Methodology Online, session via zoom that is recorded to allow you to review afterwards.
  • When do they start? they already did (run!)
  • This trainings is good for….? All EPSO competitions following the old Assessment model : ICT AD and AST , Energy, Environemnt and Climate.
  • Where can I join? On this link you can view (and note) all scheduled sessions (we use the teachable platform).

Así acaba el 2023….y el año 2024 nos viene cargadito

Pequeño resumen del 2023, motivos para el optimismo en 2024 e información de cómo podemos prepararnos para las oportunidades de 2024.

Hola a todos,

[English version of the article here]

Pues sí, el año se acaba y nos ha quedado un añito que podemos calificar de «interesante. En el 2023 hemos dejado muchos de nuestros esfuerzos e ilusiones para conseguir nuestro sueño de trabajar en las instituciones europeas y durante sus doces meses no nos ha faWhat 2023 left us….and a promissing 2024ltado de nada : se ha lanzado un nuevo modelo de EPSO, se ha ido demorando el asunto, se han cancelado oposiciones (la famosa AST154 con sus 6 perfiles y lo bien que nos quedó el webinar), ha habido nuevas convocatorias, examenes interruptus y promesas de lo que vendrá en el 2024. Así que en nuestro post de hoy hablaremos de las malas y las buenas noticias en torno a las oposiciones europeas, las oposiciones internas de la Comisión y cerraremos hablando de cómo podemos ayudarte en 2024 desde Ya Semos Europeos.

Vamos con las malas noticias del 2023 (lo bueno viene más abajo)

Desde que EPSO anunció a bombo y platillo el nuevo modelo y lo lanzó pese a las nubes que se veían en el horizonte (lo que motivo postponer el arranque de primavera a otoño de 2023 las primeras oposiciones), la cosa no mejoró y tanto EPSO, como los candidatos, les tocó sufrir un baño de realidad.

La plataforma informática elegida para los examenes falló más que una escopeta de feria y en varias oposiciones (Propiedad Intelectual , Crisis, Migration y Economistas) ante el número importante de personas que no pudieron examinarse (EPSO no ha publicado los números pero todo apunta incidencias donde el candidato no pudo examinarse superioes al 25%) los tests tuvieron que ser reconvocados para dar la oportunidad perdida a los candidatos. Los resultados preliminares del segundo intento fueron tan buenos que pararon los examenes y han quedado en suspenso hasta febrero (como pronto – EPSO dixit)

Este anuncio ha envejecido muy mal.

Esto ha motivado que otras oposiciones, como la esperada Generalistas queden canceladas por el momento y sin fecha fija de retorno (por ahora, la cosa apunta a Septiembre de 2024) . En las imagenes a continuación puedes ver lo EPSO anunció en Mayo de 2023, tras un primer aplazamiento y lo que tenemos ahora en su web. Vimos como Propiedad Intelectual , Crisis, Migration, Economistas salieron más o menos a tiempo pero ya Transporte (click para ver nuestro webinar) y Lawyer linguist  se abrieron a finales de año, mientras que Generalistas y otras oposiciones quedaron aplazadas sin fecha.

Y así nos hemos quedado, cruzando un poco los dedos y confiando que el problema se arregle más pronto que tarde. Será nuestro optimismo croquetil pero estamos convencidos que esta primavera/verano, además de calor, nos traerán unas buenas oposiciones europeas para todos.

Las buenas noticias del 2024

No todo va a ser malo, vamos con algunas buenas noticias para este año nuevo

  • Los aplazamientos nos dan más tiempo para prepararnos, especialmente en las dos pruebas clave el MCQ (Multiple Choice Questionnaire) y el Case study, donde tener el libreto con antelación nos exige un trabajo minucioso de preparación del mismo, así que familiarizarnos con el tema con tranquilidad siempre es positivo.
  • EPSO sigue comprometido con su nuevo modelo online y con las pruebas de conocimiento de la Unión Europea, así que lo que hemos hecho hasta ahora no ha sido en balde. Vamos estudiando poco a poco y aprovechando el esfuerzo hecho hasta la fecha.
  • La espera sólo puede motivar más oposiciones y/o oposiciones con más plazas. El tiempo no pasa en balde, el personal de las instituciones europeas va teniendo una edad y muchos se están jubilando estos años. Se necesita renovación y para ello, las oposiciones son clave, así que cuando todo se arregle la cosa vendrá con mucha fuerza.
  • Más perfiles vendrán. Además de generalistas, una vez se arregle el desaguiado técnico, se irán viendo oposiciones de multitud de perfiles (aquí hablamos en su día del asunto) que aunque no se sepan aún, seguro serán igual o más variados que hasta la fecha.
  • Más inspiración disponible. Dejemos de lado las preocupaciones, siempre se agradece ver que la gente consigue sus metas, eso nos ayuda a permancer motivados y trabajar por nuestro gran objetivo. Por eso seguimos hablando con nuestras croquetillas (alumnos) que han conseguido su sueño de conseguir su plaza en las instituciones europeas. Este año pudimos hablar con Zaloa (click para ver el video) y con Ángel (click para ver el video) y nos pueden dar ideas para el año que arranca. Estad atentos que en pronto subiremos otro video más.
  • Si eres alumno YSE, los aplazamientos atacan a tu paciencia pero no a tu bolsillo. Todas las croquetillas que habéis confiado en nosotros sabéis que más allá de los materiales y sesiones comprometidas, vamos extendendiendo y actualizando las formaciones hasta el día del examen, nuestro compromiso sigue siendo acompañaros hasta el final.

Los concursos internos

Si trabajas en la Comisión o en otra institución, los procesos internos de selección han sido la tabla de salvación de muchas croquetillas para pasar a ser funcionarios europeos. Aunque tuvieron sus baches los procesos de 2022-23 concluyeron satisfactoriamente (Enhorabuena a las decenas de croquetillas que tuvimos el honor de ayudar en esa aventura, fuera en AD5, AD6 y todas las demás), las de 2023 se han lanzado satisfactoriamente (AST4, AD5, AD8, AD10, AD12) (aquí podéis ver nuestro webinar para los amigos de Generation2004, el principal sindicato de la Comisión) y ahora toca esperar resultados de los examenes o los talent screener para ir a la fase de entrevistas que se espera a partir de Marzo.

Si no pudiste apuntarte a las últimas, no te preocupes, 2024 promete igualmente venir cargado de nuevas oportunidades. La Comisión ya ha anunciado ¡por fin! una nueva oposición para postularse a niveles AST desde posiciones AST/SC (secretariado) , la clásica de AD5 tendrá lugar (a mitad de año si se cumple lo anunciado) así como otros niveles y perfiles. Os iremos informando puntualmente por aquí o en nuestro telegram y linkedin

Y en 2024 ¿Qué puede hacer Ya Semos Europeos por mi?

Si estás leyendo esto, no te interesará leer sobre los más 12 grupos de formación para AD5 generalistas, concurso interno, case study de Energía-Clima-Mediambiente o agencias o las decenas de sesiones de assessment (SCBI, Field related, oral presentation, oral test-internal competition) que hemos impartido en 2023 y todas las croquetillas que han aprobado con nosotros en oposiciones de Espacio y Defensa (EPSO/AD/400/22), Técnicos audiovisuales, de edificios y laboratorios (EPSO/AST/150/21) , Jefes de Administración en delegaciones EPSO/AST/153/22 , Concursos internos de la Comisión AD5, AD6, AD7,AD9 y AD12 (si en cada lista de reserva conocemos a más de una y de dos 😉 y etc.

Lo qué te interesa es saber ¿cómo lo hicieron? ¿qué formaciones siguieron? bueno aquí van nuestras propuestas

0.-Material gratuito

  • Recuerda que en youtube tienes un montón de videos con ideas, referencias y sugerencias para preparar examenes ¡Lo hacemos para cada convocatoria!
  • CBTen el blog lo tienes explicado, son post clásicos que nunca mueren.
  • Y en Reyes vendrá una sorpresa

1.-Cursos de CBT

  • ¿Qué contiene? 4 sesiones : razonamiento verbal , numérico y abstracto. Los materiales y ejercicios (originales de YSE) son en español.
  • ¿Cómo se imparte ? Online, sesión via zoom que queda grabada para que podáis repetirla o disfrutarla si no pudisteis conectaros. Los videos y los materiales son accessibles durante 1 año.
  • ¿Cuando comienza? el próximo Febrero arranca el siguiente (y cada mes uno nuevo). Sesiónes de 18.30 a 20.30
  • ¿Para qué oposiciones me vale? Todas las oposiciones EPSO y examen CAST (Agente Contractual). Todas incluyen esta prueba.
  • ¿Dónde me apunto? Aquí puedes pre-inscribirte y leer el resto de detalles.


  • ¿Qué contiene? Clase de teoría del ejercicio escrito, 5 ejercicios de práctica real con corrección individualizada y 3 sesiones de análisis de los ejercicios. Las sesiones serán en español y la práctica en inglés (posibilidad de realizar en francés alguno de los ejercicios)
  • ¿Cómo se imparte? Online, sesión via zoom que queda grabajda para que podáis repetirla o disfrutarla si no pudisteis conectaros. Ejercicios, en formato examen, en nuestra plataforma de práctica.
  • ¿Cuándo comienza? Febrero 2024.
  • ¿Para qué oposiciones me vale? Todas las oposiciones EPSO bajo el nuevo modelo incluyen esta prueba escrita
  • ¿Dónde me apunto? En este enlace puedes ver (y apuntarte) todas las sesiones programadas (utilizamos la plataforma teachable

3.-Curso de Conocimiento de la UE y competencias digitales

  • ¿Qué contiene? +1000 preguntas y materiales sobre la UE (historia, instituciones y políticas) +150 preguntas sobre competencias digitales
  • ¿Cómo se imparte? Online, sesión via zoom que queda grabajda para que podáis repetirla o disfrutarla si no pudisteis conectaros. Las 6 sesiones + sesión pre-examen se extenden hasta cuando sea el examen (Es decir, programaremos más sesiones si fuera necesario), para llegar a tope al examen.
  • ¿Cuándo comienza? el próximo mes de febrero
  • ¿Para qué oposiciones me vale? Generalistas.
  • ¿Dónde me apunto? En este enlace y también para leer el resto de detalles.

4.-Cursos MCQ para oposiciones especialistas (ahora que tenemos más tiempo)

  • ¿Qué contiene?  desde +350 preguntas a +100 preguntas según perfil. Todos los MCQ se diseñan especificamente para cada oposición. Materiales de referencia, video explicativos y una sesión en vivo para preparar el examen. Esta formación y los materiales estarán en inglés. Los videos y los materiales son accessibles durante 6 meses.
  • ¿Cómo se imparte? A través de nuestra plataforma de cursos y online, via zoom, la sesión pre-examen que quedará grabada para que podáis repetirla o disfrutarla si no pudisteis conectaros
  • ¿Cuándo comienza? cuando quieras
  • ¿Para qué oposiciones me vale? cada curso MCQ está identificado para que oposición es válido
  • ¿Dónde me apunto?

5.-Sesiones de ASSESSMENT

  • ¿Qué contiene? sesion de práctica en la prueba correspondiente del Assessment Centre de EPSO ( Field related interview, Oral Presentation, Situational Cometence based Interview (SCBI), Competence Based Interview (CBI). Se imparten en inglés. la teoría se ve en video para poder más espacio a la práctica. La práctica se hace en condición de examen y en el idioma correspondiente.
  • ¿Cómo se imparte? Online, sesión via zoom que queda grabajda para que podáis repesar posteriormente.
  • ¿Cuándo comienza? ya han empezado (corre que se acaban)
  • ¿Para qué oposiciones me vale? Todas las oposiciones bajo el viejo modelo EPSO : Informática AD y AST , Energía, Medioambiente y Clima y si queda alguna por ahí, también.
  • ¿Dónde me apunto? En este enlace puedes ver (y apuntarte) todas las sesiones programadas (utilizamos la plataforma teachable )

Better EPSO news

Dear all,

May didn’t started as we expected and the original title of this post (Bad?)EPSO news . after EPSO’s announcement of a new model of competition that should be released on these days, the last set backs such as the cancelation of the AST/154 due to technical failures in the online exam and the European court dismissed appeals have forced EPSO to review its plans in relation with the new competitions. Therefore, the publication of the new competitions such as AD5 Generalist, Economist AD6, Transport Experts or Crisis Management that should begin in May, seems to be delayed at least 1 month or 2 but has been announced for this Summer in the #Openday of the European Institutions in Brussels [check the communication below if you don’t believe us – we stole it from EPSO booth risking our lives…joking they were very kind 🙂 ]

In any case, we will have to wait to see the final outcome of a transformation process inside EPSO to make open competitions faster and simple. This started already in 2020 and particularly after the report from the European Court of Auditors where several conclusion where reached (short summary: selection process proved not to be very efficient for recruiting specialists and it was overall too long).

In the meantime, while we wait to see what is the very final format, let’s share with you the latest news on the publication dates for the next competitions and also what we know or you can also watch the video published by EPSO explaining it (nothing like the original sources)

The ‘Assessment Centre’ and its related oral tests, in place since 2010, ceases to exist

EPSO -dixit

So EPSO we know is dead, and the EPSO will live is the making, the EPSOlution (as the new evaluation model has been called by EPSO) is taking is time to come. Wait a second, before you have a stroke, if you are a candidate in an ongoing EPSO competition, forget this post, your competition sticks to the old model (and check what we can do to help you with your Assessment Centre). However, if you will be a candidate soon or you are interested in working in the EU, this post is for you as you still have plenty of questions: What is gone? What stays? When is this really taking place? Let’s see if we can reply to all of them.

Before we continue, if you are interested in our the trainings for the new competitions, you can leave your contact details here, as soon as EPSO consolidates its new model, so we’ll publish the trainings to guarantee you suceed in it.

What is gone?

Talent Screeners are the first victims. Apparently, they will no longer be necessary because the % system that EPSO has been testing over the past months is good enough to evaluate the candidates’ experience in a given field. In some recent competitions, when filling in the section on the job experience in the application, candidates had to indicate which percentage of their working time was dedicated to a specific task. Well, this system will be now the norm as of now to conduct the eligibility checks and to quantify the relevant experience in the field. If you want to know more on this, we explained them in detail in this webinar. Whether EPSO will do the eligibility and relevant experience check both before the exams or split in two actions will be clarified when the new competitions are released.   

Second and more important, the Assessment Centre as we knew it is over. No more interviews with the board of assessors in EPSO premises (previous to COVID-19) or using the platform Cammio. No competence-based interview, oral presentation, situational competency-based interview or any other. If some of these tests re-appear, it will be under the responsibility and supervision of the Institution concerned in the final interviews… What? Keep reading to know more on this.

What stays?

Old rockers never die. The computer based test (CBT) on verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning will stay. Yes, we know it, you don’t like them so much but they can’t get rid of them. The good news is that you will no longer need a high mark in the CBT to make it to the next stage. Now you will only need to get the minimum pass mark. Whatever you get beyond that passing mark, won’t matter. If you are new to this, here in this EPSO examples you can see what kind of tests we are talking about.

What is new?

A multiple-choice questionnaire in the field for specialist competitions or an EU knowledge test or generalist competitions will be the norm now. In both cases nothing to fear, further information regarding what to study will be indicated in the notice of competition and in the invitation letter for the exam (EPSO).

Is that really new? Not exactly, we already had some examples, for instance with Data Protection competition, for which we did a webinar where we explained what to study for this test. In the case of the profiles like AST, most likely, there will be a digital skills test, similar to what we saw in the last Secretaries competition.

In the case of Generalist and the EU knowledge test, don’t panic, it won’t be a trivial for EU freaks. EPSO said: it will be on meaningful substance questions related to the functioning of the EU, its policies and procedures. So it has committed to publish the sources they will use to generate the questions and everybody will have access to them (the resources, not the questions).  

Written tests for all. Yes, that’s right. This is the single competence-based test that remains on this part of the process. If you have done a case study, you know what you are facing. If not, it’s a (usually) 90 min test where they give you some background documents on a topic you don’t know (and is not related to your competition) where you have to answer or fulfil some assignments given about it. Here is an official example provided by EPSO. Remember that this exam aims to assess competences, including drafting skills, but not knowledge on the subject of the competition.  

Another really important question is not what tests will be conducted, but how. All the tests (reasoning tests, multiple-choice tests and written tests will be in one day/session for all in a remote mode. Same system as the remote CBT done in the last competitions, with the difference that it will be longer now. However, important to note that, despite taking all the tests on the same day, your written exam will only be corrected only if you pass the EU knowledge/specialist test and the CBT, making the process much faster.

Our humble visualization on how the new competition model-timeline will be

On this point there is also some controversy, as candidates who were used to the old system (and had easy access to the Prometric facilities), as well as those who miss the physical calculator in the numerical reasoning tests, didn’t welcome the change to remote tests. When you had a Prometric centre near home, logistics were much simpler than online, but to be fair, the remote evaluation gave an excellent opportunity for new candidates and particularly those living far from Prometric facilities. Considering this and the fact the new method is cheaper than the old system, we better embrace it and prepare to live with the new monitored-online exams for a long time.  

After passing the tests what?

So if you pass the CBT, the knowledge test and the written test and fulfil all the experience criteria of the competition (that will be stayed in the notice), you will be placed in a reserve list. Only those on the reserve list will have access to the recruitment process organised by each institution. In this process, general competencies will still be reviewed. How? That fall under the criteria of each institution. EPSO will help them only if requested, most likely field-related type interviews will happen, nothing that we can’t not prepare in advance.

When is the change coming?

Who knows now? the new competitions were announced – one for Economists (AD6) and a second one for Administrators in the field of intellectual property (AD6) for May but now all announcements are gone (see below the caption from April, then 3 of May and now, same competitions without dates). Until we get new info, some final changes and adjustments may happen, so with the fresh competition notices in hand, we will update this post with a precise description of the new system and how the competitions will be conducted. In the meantime, we will keep informing you on this and on all the other #eurojobs-related issues, so don’t forget to join our Telegram channel YSE to stay updated.

If you can wait to know how we’ll help with our trainings or you want to be part of the very first study group for the new competitions, register here.

Stay alert! More news coming soon!

Let’s finish with a friky touch in a day like this #Maythe4bewithyou

Spring is here and the final EPSO competitions too – AST edition

Dear all,

2023 has started with striking news. In May the new competition model will start but until then EPSO is doing its best to finalise all the competitions still in motion. Are you a candidate in one of them? Then this post is for you. Are you a future candidate? Then this post (link) is the one you are looking for. Yes, believe it or not, this time EPSO has not hung the «closed for refurbishment» sign and keeps working.

Ok, but you are not here to chit chat about EPSO competitions in general but about yours, because you have received excellent news from EPSO and you have been invited to the Assessment Centre or you are waiting for it. Nevertheless, you still feel a bit lost and you are not sure what or when to expect in your competition, right? Keep reading, we’ll tell you what will happen with all the EPSO competitions in motion at this moment, with the latest information available. In this post, you will find the information by reference number order, just scroll down until you find the AD competitions of interest to you [AD competitions can be found here] :

AST and AST/SC competitions

  1. EPSO/AST/150/21 ( AST3) Technicians in Audiovisual, Building and Laboratory.
  2. EPSO/AST/151/22 – Assistants – ICT infrastructures, cloud, networks and middleware Assistants – Digital workplace, office automation and mobile computing Assistants – Development/configuration, testing, operation and maintenance of IT applications and off-the-shelf solutions; Data management, data analytics and artificial intelligence Assistants – ICT security
  3. EPSO/AST/152/22 Linguistic Assistants ET- HR-IT.NL-PL-PT
  4. EPSO/AST/153/22 Head of administration (AST-4) in EU Delegations
  5. EPSO/AST/154/22 Assistants – Financial management ; Assistants – Accounting and treasury ; Assistants – Public procurement ; Assistants – Graphic design and visual content production ; Assistants – Social and digital media ; Assistants – Webmaster.
  6. EPSO/AST/155/22 Assistants in the field of operational security ; Assistants in the field of Technical security and Assistants in the field of occupational health and safety

WARNING – as we see too much drama around the competitions, we have made an extra effort to make all this a bit more palatable and funny. You can pass the competitions with a smile! (Still, note that the information is as accurate as EPSO competitions allow us to be).

What about my competition?

Let’s go competition by competition (from highest to lowest EPSO reference number). Please be aware that the following analysis is done based on the information published on the EPSO web-page and our experience as candidates (yes, once we were where you are now) and trainers.

1.-Technicians and support workers- Technicians( AST3) EPSO/AST/150/21 In 3 fields: Field 1: Audiovisual and conference technicians; Field 2: Building technicians; Field 3: Laboratory technicians.

Status : Do you remember our analysis laboratory technicians and for Audiovisual and Building? Yes, at that time we used to write more in Spanish but the audience has become more international and so did we. Ok, you remember that. We knew the number of applications (389 candidates for 92 spots in Audiovisual, 663 for 114 spots in building, 378 for 20 in Laboratory spots and 176 for 15 spots on laboratory support) then 265, 340 and 65 respectively (670 candidates in total) have been invited to the Assessment Centre that took place from mid-September until mid-December, i.e Winter was coming! Now winter is gone and still waiting for the results that should be released approximately as we write this post (fingers crossed, originally the results were foreseen to come out in February). Best of luck to our 50 candidates (croquetillas) who trusted us to prepare this competition.

About the Assessment Centre: First, they did the case study (last 4 July), after that two tests more were needed, which accounted for 130 out of the total of 170 points. The Situational competency based interview was worth 30 points and the booklet for the exam was published about a couple of weeks before the exams begin, stay alert! For the field-related interview, 100 points were at stake. The key factor was the structure of the information, no need to be an expert to talk about any topic but you need an expert to know what matters and how to explain it clearly and to the point. Remember you can join our Telegram information channel too where we’ll alert you of any news regarding your competition. Of course, If you think we can help you with our training, you can register for the next ones.

2.-EPSO/AST/151/22 – Assistants – ICT infrastructures, cloud, networks and middleware Assistants – Digital workplace, office automation and mobile computing Assistants – Development/configuration, testing, operation and maintenance of IT applications and off-the-shelf solutions; Data management, data analytics and artificial intelligence Assistants – ICT security

Status: Do you remember the analysis we did? The 4 different profiles collected a total of 1300 applications approximately (221-260-721-117 respectively) for a total of 205 spots (by profile 47-55-74-29). While the ratio of candidates to spots is favourable, this competition requires excellent technical skills. Also, the complexity of the applications is rather high, which means that EPSO needed more time to evaluate them. The good news is, as we write this post, that candidates got their result from the Talent Screener, hurra!!!! And if you are wondering when your Assessment Centre is going to take place, it should start in the second half of April. (If you are looking our analysis for AD- ICT competition – go here)

No mystery in ICT security, after eligibility some people complaint on the decision and they were re-introduce into the talent. Considering there are more invitations to the assessment than candidates left, was easy for EPSO to review their decision but they forgot to update the number too.

About the Assessment Centre: First, we’ll have the computer-based tests (CBT). We know, you thought you had escaped it… keep dreaming. Still, there is no need to get a high mark, only passing it is enough (like it is the case for CAST exams).

Easy one, just an overall of 20 points to pass it.

In addition to the CBT, you will have to pass the following tests: Case Study (40 points) and Situational Competence Based Interview (30 points). Between the two tests you can gather a total of 70 points, with the particularity that in total you need 35 out of 70 to pass, but no minimum marks per competence are required. Our advice is that you start to prepare the Case Study as soon as possible.

Anyway, although the more points we get in competences part the better, the key part is the field-related interview, where you will have to demonstrate your capacities in your field (not exactly your knowledge), and above all, your relevant experience for this position. In the field-related interview, up to 100 points are in stake with a minimum score of 60 points, the bar is high! Remember to visit this link when you are invited to the Assessment Centre. We can help you to prepare all the test or you can join our Telegram information channel where we’ll alert you of any news regarding your competition.

3.-EPSO/AST/152/22 Linguistic Assistants ETHRITNLPLPT

So far, all the dates and web are the same for the 6 languages, so we felt lazy and uploaded only one screenshot 🙂

Status : This is a competition that attracted many interested candidates and unfortunately offered few spots, about 4137 candidates for 76 final spots (a proportion in line with the old times of generalist AD5 competition). It began with the CBT (verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning) with two language comprehension tests the last week of August and the first one of September. Then the candidates who obtained the pass mark in the reasoning tests and one of the highest overall marks in the language comprehension tests went through the eligibility check that took place throughout most of the Autumn. Right before Christmas, a few successful candidates (32 for Estonian, 43 for Croatian, 38 for Italian, 49 for Dutch, 59 for Polish and 48 for Portuguese) got their invitation to the Assessment Centre.

You need a high score in both language comprehension test!! 7 is not enough.

About the Assessment Centre: A single date for all profiles on the case study test (with 40 points) and the finalisation of a text was given (about the test check what we posted for the proofreaders text, it may be of help). In addition, they had to sit the General competency-based interview, where only 30 points are at stake (as the core of the marks was given in the case study and the finalisation of a text).

4.-Head of administration (AST-4) in EU Delegations EPSO/AST/153/22

Status : The competition started after the 2022 summer break and most likely it will finish after the 2023 summer break, not bad for EPSO speed. At this moment, candidates already got their results of the CBT and have passed eligibility checks (Remember our webinar where we disclosed all the tricks for it) so they are facing the long wait to see who is invited to the Assessment Centre (120 of 487 will be invited)

Assessment : First, you will need to sit the Case Study and the Situational Competence Based Interview (SCBI). Between these two tests you can gather a total of 70 points, with the particularity that you need a combined overall 35/70 to pass but no minimum marks per competence. It means that you should avoid doing a bad Case Study or SCBI in general, but you have some margin to fail some of the specific questions within each test.

Not as hard as it seems

The more points we get in the competences part, the better (we can help with that). Still, the key part is the field-related test, where you will have to demonstrate your knowledge, and above all, your relevant experience for this position. To do so, you will have the Interview in the Field (also structured but with a clear focus on your work experience), a test where you can get up to 100 points (we can help with that too). Last but not least, don’t miss the opportunity to join our Telegram information channel where we’ll alert you of any news regarding your competition.

5.-Assistants – Financial management ; Assistants – Accounting and treasury ; Assistants – Public procurement ; Assistants – Graphic design and visual content production ; Assistants – Social and digital media ; Assistants – Webmaster -EPSO/AST/154/22

Status: Complicated (do you remember that one on FB?). The first of the big competitions to organise the CBT fully online (no possibility of taking the exam in a Prometric centre) gave as result a controversial outcome. Many candidates had issues with the procedure and/or the platform. Several even have complaint to the Ombudsman (and the European Court?) but considering the length of the procedure, EPSO could continue the competition and finalize it before the Court have time to fail against EPSO. Then it can be repeated among the candidates who didn’t make it (i.e Pachitis case or as many other failed (in Court competitions). So, let’s focus on the competition itself for the moment and the fact candidates .

If you want to take a pause to check youtube, you can revisit our webinar on this competition, otherwise, we can share with you our forecast on the threshold marks. Based on very conservative assumptions (all candidates are eligible, only 25% of the candidates failed the CBT and final mars are equally distributed), we see for field 1 if you have 13 or above your chances are quite high of passing to the assessment, 12 points if you are in field 2. For fields 3,4,6 looks it will be 17 in verbal reasoning the mark , for field 6, considering the big number of candidates, it will 18 our forecast. In any case, we stick to our advice to wait until you are confirmed for the assessment, at that moment give your 100% to prepare it.

Now talking about the other tests, the competition turns into a classic. You will have to face the following tests: Case Study and Situational Competency-Based Interview. Here you have 7 competences to be assessed (in AD competitions there are eight). Between the two tests you can gather a total of 70 points, with the particularity that you need an overall 35/70 to pass, but no minimum marks per competence. Don’t get over confident, do fine on these two and you will be fine for this part although the more points we get the better (we can help with that).

Some practice, some effort and a some guidance and it will be done

Anyway, the key part is the field-related test where you will have to demonstrate your know how on the field, explaining, in detail, your relevant experience for this position. The Interview in the Field is also somehow structured but as it has a clear focus on your work experience, is much more interesting and rewarding, you can get up to 100 points in that test (we can help on that too), approx. 60% of all the available points. Remember you can also join our Telegram information channel where we’ll alert you of any news regarding your competition.

6.- Assistants in the field of operational security ; Assistants in the field of Technical security and Assistants in the field of occupational health and safety – EPSO/AST/155/22

Status: The CBT took place in January this year, hopefully with fewer issues, and had no minimum passing mark. The key element is that only those candidates who obtain one of the highest scores in the whole test will have their application checked for eligibility. Applications will be checked until they positively check 3 candidates per position, who will be invited to the Assessment Centre. Considering that they need 300 candidates for the Assessment Centre, from an initial amount of almost 2400 (1587 , 244, 558 respectively for 44; 24; 33 places offered in the competition), it will take time and we don’t see the Assessment Centre happening before May this year.

Assessment Centre: Now talking about the other tests, the competition turns into a classic. You will have to face the following tests: Case Study and Situational Competency-Based Interview. Here you have 7 competences to be assessed (in AD competitions there are eight). Between the two tests you can gather a total of 70 points, with the particularity that you need an overall 35/70 to pass, but no minimum marks per competence. Don’t get over confident, do fine on these two and you will be ok for this part, although the more points we get the better (we can help with that).

Some practice, some effort and a some guidance and it will be done

Anyway, the key part is the field-related interview where you will have to show your knowledge on the field, explaining, in detail, your relevant experience for this position. The Interview in the Field is also somehow structured but as it has a clear focus on your work experience, is much more interesting and rewarding, you can get up to 100 points in that test (we can help on that too), approx. 60% of all the available points. And don’t miss the opportunity to join our Telegram information channel where we’ll alert you of any news regarding your competition.

[Analysis of AD competitions can be found here] :

When will EPSO contact me?

All the situations under which EPSO will write you in your profile, not by email, although sometimes we may get a warning message.

Many of you ask about when EPSO will tell you that you have made it to the next phase, or have been invited to the Assessment Centre, or…. you read/heard rumors about the development of the competitions somewhere. Better to isolate yourself from that noise and focus on the real messages. EPSO commits itself (it’s in Annex II of the notice of competition) to communicate with you after the Talent Screeners have been evaluated to inform you on the results and to invite you to the Assessment Centre. In the meantime, it can take weeks or months to receive any information or being notified that we have passed to the next phase of the competition, so keep calm. If you are feeling desperate for the lack of news, you can always contact EPSO too, as candidates you are entitled to do so but be careful, replies can be a bit cryptic or copy/paste from the notice.

What can I expect of this job? How much will my salary be?

Table of the amounts of basic monthly salaries for each grade and step in function groups AD and AST referred to in Article 66 of the Staff Regulations, applicable from 1 July 2022

Both are typical questions of the candidates, therefore we invite you to check Annex I and Annex II from the notice of competition. As you can see from the images above, go to Annex I of the notice to find all the details of your expected tasks to be performed once you are an administrator in the area of ICT (The Commission counts on you!!!). And last but not least, above you find the table with the gross salaries for each grade (the net amount is usually similar to the gross one, and it can be higher depending if you have family dependent on you and other conditions).

Can you help me?

Let share some useful links for this competition and any other.

List of useful resources for EU competitions

  1. El CBT o los test psicotécnicos (ES)
  2. The Assesment centre (EN)
  3. 10 free resources (EN/ES).
  4. YSE trainings (English and Spanish) :
    1. CBT (in Spanish)
    2. Assessment sessions – for all the Assessment test (Theory in English or Spanish. Practice can be done in EN,FR,ES)
    3. Application review (EN/ES/FR/IT/DE)
    4. CAST Sessions -have you been invited to a job interview? Do you want to improve your chances of being selected in a CAST process?

Spring is here and the final EPSO competitions too – AD edition

Dear all,

2023 has started with striking news. In May the new competition model will start but until then EPSO is doing its best to finalise all the competitions still in motion. Are you a candidate in one of them? Then this post is for you. Are you a future candidate? Then this post (link) is the one you are looking for. Yes, believe it or not, this time EPSO has not hung the «closed for refurbishment» sign and keeps working.

Ok, but you are not here to chit chat about EPSO competitions in general but about yours, because you have received excellent news from EPSO and you have been invited to the Assessment Centre, or because you are waiting for those news. Nevertheless, you still feel a bit lost and you are not sure what or when to expect in your competition, right? Keep reading, we’ll tell you what will happen with all the EPSO competitions in motion at this moment, with the latest information available. In this post, you will find the information by reference number order, just scroll down until you find the AD competitions of interest to you [AST competitions can be found here] :

AD-Administrators competitions

  1. EPSO/AD/398/22 –Administrators -ICT infrastructures, cloud, networks and middleware ; Administrators – Digital workplace, office automation and mobile computing ; Administrators – IT and data governance, programme/portfolio and project management, project management office (PMO), business and enterprise architecture Administrators – ICT security
  2. EPSO/AD/399/22 – Administrators in the field of Audit
  3. EPSO/AD/400/22 -Administrators and experts in the field of space; Administrators and experts in the field of defence industry
  4. EPSO/AD/401/22 – Administrators in the field of energy : Administrators in the field of climate and Administrators in the field of environment.

WARNING – as we see too much drama around the competitions, we have made an extra effort to make all this a bit more palatable and funny. You can pass the competitions with a smile! (Still, note that the information is as accurate as EPSO competitions allow us to be).

What about my competition?

Let’s go competition by competition (from highest to lowest EPSO reference number). Please be aware that the following analysis is done based on the information published on the EPSO web-page and our experience as candidates (yes, once we were where you are now) and trainers.

1.-EPSO/AD/398/22 -All ICT competitions (AD Level) : Administrators -ICT infrastructures, cloud, networks and middleware ; Administrators – Digital workplace, office automation and mobile computing ; Administrators – IT and data governance, programme/portfolio and project management, project management office (PMO), business and enterprise architecture Administrators – ICT security

Status: Do you remember the analysis we did on this competition? Still fresh despite being from February last year. The 5 different profiles collected a total of 2620 applications (respectively 404-186-769 -986 -375) for a total of 350 spots (by profile 71-49-70-73-87). While the ratio of candidates to spots is favorable, this competition requires excellent technical skills. Also, the complexity of the applications is rather high, which means that EPSO will need more time to evaluate them. Most likely, the Eligibility Check will be conducted shortly, but then they will need to evaluate the Talent Screener. Expect to hear news about the Assessment Centre by end of Autumn 2022.

So, this is the status of the competition. As expected, some fields didn’t need (or almost) a passing mark for the talent

About the Assessment Centre: First, it’s expected it will begin after Easter (6-10 April), pay attention to any warning/email on your EPSO account. If EPSO proceeds as usual, we’ll have the computer-based tests (CBT) first. We know, you thought you had escaped it… keep dreaming. Still, there is no need to get a high mark, only passing it is enough (like it is the case for CAST exams).

Easy one, just an overall of 20 points to pass it.

In addition, you will have to pass the following tests at the Assessment Centre: Case Study and Situational Competence Based Interview (SCBI). Between the two tests you can gather a total of 80 points, with the particularity that you need and overall 40/80 to pass, but not minimum marks per competence. Don’t forget the SCBI booklet is published 2 weeks in advance of the first candidate having his/her exam. Anyway, although the more points we get in competences part the better, the key part is the Interview in the Field where you will have to demonstrate your capacities on the area of it (not exactly the same as your knowledge), and above all, your relevant experience for this position. In the Interview in the Field, you can get up to 100 points.

Most likely, you’ll take the case study first and the interviews will go by blocks, with all the candidates in one field having their SCBI and then all again having the field related. Remember to visit this link when you are invited to the Assessment Centre. We can help you to prepare all the test or you can join our Telegram information channel where we’ll alert you of any news regarding your competition.

2.- Administrators in the field of Audit EPSO/AD/399/22

As you can see, the Talent was the big wall for the candidates, only 1 out 7 made it.

Status and about the Assessment Centre: Not bad, at this stage is the most advanced ongoing competition. After more or less one year (application period closed 12th April 2022), they are having their Assessment Centre online. As we speak, field-related interviews are taking place and they already did the Situational Based Interview and the Competence based interview for general competences. Good luck to all our candidates who have trusted us to prepare these test.

3.-Administrators and experts in the field of space & Administrators and experts in the field of defence industry EPSO/AD/400/22

Status : yes , we know, this competition is rocket science but its speed is closer to paper airplanes. Still, remember that for science and defence patience is key (check our webinar-analysis if you want to recapitulate). EPSO announced the results of the eligibility checks right before Christmas (what a present!) but as you can see, between 1 out of 2 or 3 made it. Those were the bad news, the good ones being that the threshold to pass the Talent Screener is expected to be low. As you can see on our table below, places for the Assessment Centre are not far from the number of candidates.

As we speak, the evaluation of the Talent Screener is taking place and we expect the results will come out soon (any time as we write this post) have been published the day after we released this post so now we have 97, 48, 108, 54 respectively (see table below) candidates who have passed the Talent phase, meaning their Assessment Centre will take place (most likely) between late April and June.

About the Assessment Centre: First we’ll have the CBT (computer-based test) as usual in a specialist competition. Still you don’t need much to pass it (like an ordinary CAST exam) and there is no need of having a high mark, only passing it is enough.

No news from this EPSO-front, our old CBT as usual.

Then the competition turns into a classic. In front of you, you have two of the most classic test you may face: Oral presentation (a typical test in EU-law or generalist AD5) and Situational Competence Based Interview (remember, the booklet for this test is published 2 weeks in advance of the first candidate taking the exam). Between the two tests you can gather a total of 80 points, with the particularity that you need and overall 40/80 to pass but not minimum marks per competence. The more points we get in competences part, the better (we can help with that).

Still, the key part are the field-related tests, where you will have to demonstrate your knowledge, and above all, your relevant experience for this position. To do so, you will have the Interview in the Field (with clear focus on your work experience) and the field-related written test (where you will have to demonstrate your know-how, and all the information/knowledge you need is provided as part of the documents related to the assignment). The pass mark in each of these two tests is 25 out of 50 (we can help with that too).

4.-Administrators in the field of energy ; Administrators in the field of climate and Administrators in the field of environment EPSO/AD/401/22

Status: This competition has the honor of being the last AD competition of the old EPSO model but it doesn’t mean it will move faster than the competitions that preceded it. You also need to consider the big amount of candidates in this competition, as we speak we know there are 1762; 917; 1853 candidates respectively in the 3 fields, when the finals spots are 54 for Energy, 49 for Climate and 52 for Environment. We assume you have diligently followed our first webinar-analysis and the second webinar for some hints so hopefully you will be among the 450 (+/-) candidates invited to the Assessment Centre.

Considering that they are still in eligibility phase and EPSO is fully involved in the new model, there is a likely scenario where the Assessment Centre of this competition will take place in Autumn this year. Fingers crossed.

About the Assessment Centre: First we’ll have the CBT (computer-based test), not so terrible as it looks, as there is no need of having a high mark, only passing it is enough.

Pay attention, you still need to pass this one, although not a big deal

Now talking about the other tests, the competition turns into a classic. You will have to face the following tests: Case Study and Situational Competency-Based Interview. Here you have 8 competences to be assessed. Between the two tests you can gather a total of 80 points, with the particularity that you need an overall 40/80 to pass, but no minimum marks per competence. Don’t get over confident, do fine on these two and you will be fine for this part, although the more points we get the better (we can help with that).

Some practice, some effort and a some guidance and it will be done 😉

Anyway, the key part is the field-related test where you will have to demonstrate your know-how on the field, explaining, in detail your relevant experience for this position. The Interview in the Field is also somehow structured but as it has a clear focus on your work experience, it is much more interesting and rewarding, you can get up to 100 points in that test (we can help on that too), approx. 60% of all the available points are at the stake here.

[Analysis of AST competitions can be found here]

When will EPSO contact me?

All the situations under which EPSO will write you in your profile, not by email, although sometimes we may get a warning message.

Many of you ask about when EPSO will tell you that you have passed to the next phase, or have been invited to the Assessment Centre, or…. you read/heard rumors about the development of the competitions somewhere. Better to isolate yourself from that noise and focus on the real messages. EPSO commits itself (it’s in Annex II of the notice of competition) to communicate with you after the Talent Screeners have been evaluated to inform you on the results and to invite you to the Assessment Centre. In the meantime, it can take weeks or months to receive any information or being notified that we have passed to the next phase of the competition, so keep calm. If you are feeling desperate for the lack of news, you can always contact EPSO too, as candidates you are entitled to do so but be careful, replies can be a bit cryptic or a copy/paste from the notice.

What can I expect of this job? How much will my salary be?

Table of the amounts of basic monthly salaries for each grade and step in function groups AD and AST referred to in Article 66 of the Staff Regulations, applicable from 1 July 2022

Both are typical questions of the candidates, therefore we invite you to check Annex I and Annex II from the notice of competition. As you can see from the images above, go to Annex I of the notice to find all the details of your expected tasks to be performed once you are an administrator (the Commission counts on you!!!). And last but not least, let us remind you an AD7 (step 2) will join the institutions with a net salary well above 6.000 € and this can be higher depending if you have family dependent on you and other conditions.

Can you help me?

Let share some useful links for this competition and any other.

List of useful resources for EU competitions

  1. El CBT o los test psicotécnicos (ES)
  2. The Assesment centre (EN)
  3. 10 free resources (EN/ES).
  4. YSE trainings (English and Spanish) :
    1. CBT (in Spanish)
    2. Assessment sessions – for all the Assessment test (Theory in English or Spanish. Practice can be done in EN,FR,ES)
    3. Application review (EN/ES/FR/IT/DE)
    4. CAST Sessions -have you been invited to a job interview? Do you want to improve your chances of being selected in a CAST process?

Update on the Commission internal competitions

Dear colleagues, despite all odds, the internal competitions are moving forward. Recently, the organisers have published an update of the indicative calendar for AD5, as well as some addenda to the other competitions. 

What do we know and what to expect?

As we speak, only the AD/03/22 (AD5) has published an indicative planning of the competition. As for the other internal competitions, let’s make a split between AD7, AD9 and AD12 on the one hand, and AST/SC2, AST2 and AD6 on the other.

As regards AD7, AD9 and AD12, we don’t know much and we can only wait. Applications were submitted before Christmas and now the eligibility check and talent screener review are going on. Will the board let us know if we just passed the eligibility? Yes, as set out  in the point 4.2.1. Disclosure of information of your notices. This means that eligibility checks are ongoing as we speak and HR will then evaluate the talent screeners of those who fulfill the eligibility requirements (several hundreds of colleagues). Being optimistic, the oral interview for these competitions won’t happen until May in these competitions.

For AST/SC2, AST2, AD6 we just saw the addenda published last Friday (3rd February) where the organisers decided to change the order of the phases. Now, the eligibility checks will take place before the tests (MCQ and Written test). In practical terms, this helps them to reduce the amount of candidates in the competition, remember that only in AD6 we had more than 1700 applications submitted and there are only 100 laureates sought. The MCQ and the written test were announced for March.

Dates foreseen for each phase

We have done our best to map what we can expect in the competitions AD5 + AST/SC2, AST2, AD6. Further below you can find some details on each competition.

COM/AD/03/22(AD5) has a month of advantage in the eligibility checks. The results of the eligibility checks have been announced for February (more than two months after the submission of the applications) and the exam is scheduled for March, most probably the first half, which leaves us 4-5 weeks to get ready for it. Don’t panic, it is feasible, remember you just need 30 out of 50 points to pass the MCQ and you can still practice with 1 or 2 written tests per week. 

For AD6, AST and AST/SC2, if we consider a similar period for their eligibility checks as for AD5 (a bit optimistic due to the higher number of candidates), exams should not come sooner than second half of March. As Easter time is early April, probably the organizers will do their best to organize the exam prior to it. Although we have more time to prepare, the difficulty will be higher (you need to get 35 out of 50 points in the MCQ) so we need to do an exhaustive work studding policies and institutions. For the written test, we can practice with 1 or 2 tests per week.  

Planing for AD7-AD9-AD12, let’s see if HR respect it

For AD7, AD9,AD12 we can only wait to have the outcome of the eligibility and talent, whether they will assess the talents profile by profile of each level, so they can move faster to the oral test on that profile or they will release the results all at the same time, is not clear. Considering the total amount of candidates in the 3 profiles (641, 898 and 515 respectively) it seems unlikely the will have finalised the talent screener of all the candidates by mid-April. Let’s wait.

How can I prepare?

For the MCQ, the resources are simple and publicly accessible. First thing, you have The Treaties, and the ABC-EU law, which contain the basics of the institutions and our policies. To go deeper in policies, our suggestion is to check the European Parliament factsheets  and the different materials develop by our Communication colleagues to explain the Commission’s policies and actions, always following the 6 priorities of the current Commission. Altogether, this is a lot of material and should be more than enough to pass the test, but don’t forget to elaborate your own notes and mind maps to retain it.

For the written test, it’s important to underline what is said in the notice of your competitions:

A written assignment (e.g. a briefing, letter or note) based on various documents on EU policies and institutions. This written test will assess the competencies required to perform the duties of an administrator in the Commission in your field of the competition.

Therefore, this is not like the MCQ. The written tests does not test knowledge, but competencies (or skills if you want). Besides, as most of you are familiar with the EPSO materials, our first advice is to take the EPSO case studies (here the one available from EPSO web page) for practice, which will give you a fair idea on how to handle an assignment under a strict time constraint. Complementary, you could do some of your briefings and work-related tasks against the clock, setting the time every time you had to deliver a briefing or contribution and then checking afterwards before sending it (we don’t want to cause any harm 🙂

Regarding the oral interviews of any competition, as the number of candidates is huge and the invitations to the interviews few, sour surprises may happen. at this moment, using whole numbers of candidates and the total spots offered for a rough estimate, the chances of being invited to the interview are of 1 in 3 for AD12, 1 in 8 AD9 and 1 in 4 for AD7.

Therefore we don’t advice to prepare the oral interview in such an early stage. Wait until you had confirmation of passing the eligibility checks at least.

What can YSE do for you?

We will do our best to help you passing the test. Based on our experience and success in previous internal competitions (the last AD5 had a 90% success rate in the MCQ and the written test), we have developed an online training that allows you to advance at your own peace. We offer to you:

  • A set of 650 original questions for the MCQ with a collection of supporting materials
  • 6 written tests that will guarantee you get the practice you need.

Each MCQ and written test contain a video-feedback highlighting the most relevant aspects of the test.

To join our training or get additional details on it, here you can find the form.

Also, all our latest news are available in our Telegram channel @yasemoseuropeos

EPSO ha muerto, larga vida a EPSO

Estimados lectores,

La semana pasada vino con una sorpesa de esas que hacen que te atragantes: el órgano director de EPSO dio a conocer el nuevo sistema de exámenes/oposiciones y el primer anuncio fue llamativo (en la imagen) [English version here]

The ‘Assessment Centre’ and its related oral tests, in place since 2010, ceases to exist…/ El Assessment y sus examenes orales, que funcionaba desde 2010, ha dejado de existir… glups!

EPSO -dixit

Así que EPSO ha muerto, larga vida a «EPSOlution» (como el nuevo modelo de evaluación ha sido llamado por el propio EPSO)… Espera, antes de que te de un infarto, si eres candidato en una oposición EPSO ya en marcha, olvídate de este post, tu oposición se adhiere al modelo antiguo (y recuerda que si estás en el Asssment Centre, podemos ayudarte con esas pruebas). Sin embargo, si vas a ser un candidato o potencial interesado en trabajar en la UE, este post es para ti. Vamos a responder a la avalancha de preguntas que seguramente te estarás haciendo en este momento: ¿Qué pruebas han quitado? ¿Cuáles se quedan? ¿Qué novedades hay? ¿Cuándo llega el nuevo modelo? ¿Por qué todos estos cambios?

¿Qué pruebas han quitado?

Los dichosos Talent Screener son las primeras víctimas. Al parecer, ya no serán necesarios porque el sistema de porcentajes (%) que se probó en paralelo es lo suficientemente bueno para ello. En algunos concursos recientes, al rellenar la sección sobre la experiencia laboral en la solicitud, los candidatos tenían que indicar qué porcentaje de su tiempo de trabajo se dedicaba a una tarea específica. Bueno, este sistema será la norma a partir de ahora para llevar a cabo los controles de elegibilidad y cuantificar la experiencia pertinente en el campo de especialidad requerido. Si quieres saber más sobre esto, te lo explicamos en detalle en este webinar que hicimos. Está por ver si EPSO hará la verificación de elegibilidad y experiencia pertinente antes de los exámenes o se dividirá en dos acciones. Lo sabremos cuando se publiquen las nuevas oposiciones.

Segundo y más importante, el Assessment Centre tal como la conocíamos se acabó. No más entrevistas con los miembros del tribunal de la oposición en las oficinas de EPSO (como se hacía antes de la COVID-19) o utilizando la plataforma Cammio (en la actualidad). No habrá entrevista basada en competencias (CBI para los amigos), presentación oral, entrevista basada en competencias situacionales (SCBI) ni ninguna otra. Si alguna de estas pruebas reaparece, será bajo la responsabilidad y supervisión de la Institución en cuestión en las entrevistas finales… ¿Qué? Sigue leyendo, ahora lo explicamos.

¿Qué se queda?

Igual que los viejos roqueros, la prueba basada en computadora (CBT) de razonamiento verbal, numérico y abstracto permanecerá viva y coleando. Sí, lo sabemos, hubieras preferido cambiarla por otra, pero la realidad es tozuda y EPSO no puede deshacerse de esta prueba. La buena noticia es que en el CBT solo tendrás que aprobar. Es decir, las calificaciones obtenidas más allá del umbral establecido para aprobar no importarán. Si no sabes de qué te hablamos con esto del CBT, te recomendamos estos post donde lo explicamos largo y tendido.

¿Qué novedades hay?

Nos llega que un cuestionario o test de opción múltiple de conocimiento en el campo (para oposiciones especializadas) y una prueba de conocimientos de la UE (para la oposición de generalistas) serán la norma ahora. ¿Es realmente nuevo? No exactamente, ya teníamos algunos ejemplos anteriores, como la oposición de Protección de datos, para la cual hicimos un webinar donde explicamos qué estudiar para el test de conocimientos. En el caso de los perfiles como AST, lo más probable es que haya una prueba de habilidades digitales, similar a lo que vimos en el último concurso de secretarios.

En el caso de los generalistas y la prueba de conocimiento de la UE, que nadie se asuste, no será un trivial para los fanáticos de la UE. EPSO ha indicado: se tratará de cuestiones de fondo significativas relacionadas con el funcionamiento de la UE, sus políticas y procedimientos. Asimismo, se ha comprometido a publicar las fuentes que utilizarán para generar las preguntas y todos tendrán acceso (a los recursos, no a las preguntas ;-)). Esta fórmula tampoco es nueva, ya que los exámenes internos de la Comisión contienen un examen muy similar (si no el mismo).

Prueba escrita para todos (Written test/case study). Sí, así es. Esta es la única prueba para evaluar competencias que permanece en esta parte del proceso. Si ya has hecho un estudio de caso, sabes a lo que te enfrentas. Si no, es una prueba (generalmente) de 90 minutos donde te dan algunos documentos sobre un tema que no conoces (y no está relacionado con tu competencia) donde tienes que responder o cumplir algunas tareas dadas al respecto. Aquí lo contamos con más detalle y aquí tienes un ejemplo proporcionado por la EPSO. Recuerda que este examen tiene como objetivo evaluar las competencias, incluidas las habilidades de redacción, pero no el conocimiento sobre el tema de la oposición. Para eso último está el test.

Probablemente, lo más importante no es el qué sino el cómo. Todas las pruebas (pruebas de razonamiento, test de conocimiento y y prueba escrita) serán en un día/sesión para todos y se realizarán remotamente. Es el mismo sistema que el CBT remoto realizado en las últimas competiciones, con la diferencia de que será más largo ahora al haber varias pruebas. Sin embargo, ten en cuenta que aunque realices todos los tests en un día, tu examen escrito solo se corregirá si has pasasdo la prueba de conocimiento y el CBT, lo que hace que el proceso sea mucho más rápido.

Nuestra humilde propuesta para visualizar el proceso. *- esta por ver si irá todo junto o separado.

En este punto también hay cierta controversia, ya que los candidatos que estaban acostumbrados al sistema antiguo, en las instalaciones de Prométric (el subcontratista oficial de EPSO para ello), no acogieron muy bien el cambio, así como los que echan en falta la calculadora física en la prueba de razonamiento numérico. Para aquellos con un centro Prometric cerca de casa, la logística era mucho más simple que en línea. Pero siendo justos, la evaluación remota ha dado una excelente oportunidad a los nuevos candidatos y particularmente para aquellos que viven lejos de un centro Prometric para participar. Teniendo en cuenta esto y el hecho de que este método es más barato que el antiguo sistema, será mejor que nos hagamos a la idea de vivir con los nuevos exámenes en línea monitoreados durante mucho tiempo. Por el camino, cruzamos los dedos para que todos los problemillas técnicos propios de un nuevo tipo/plataforma de examen se vayan solucionando.

¿Qué pasa después de pasar las pruebas?

Si pasas el dichoso CBT, el test de conocimientos y la prueba escrita y cumples con todos los criterios de experiencia de la oposición (que se indicarán en la convocatoria), te pondrán en una lista de reserva. Solo los que figuren en la lista de reserva tendrán acceso al proceso de contratación organizado por cada institución. En este proceso se seguirán revisando las competencias generales. ¿Cómo? Eso quedará a criterio de la institución organizadora, EPSO solo les ayudará si lo solicitan. Por ahora, lo más probable es que se realicen entrevistas de campo (field-related interview) sobre la especialidad correspondiente, algo que ya conocemos y se puede preparar de antemano.

¿Cuándo pasaremos al nuevo modelo?

En mayo se publicarán las nuevas oposiciónes, una para Economistas (AD6) y otro para Administradores en el campo de la propiedad intelectual (AD6). Hasta entonces, algunos cambios y ajustes finales pueden ocurrir. Por lo tanto, con los nuevos anuncios de oposición en la mano, actualizaremos nuestro análisis de forma precisa, ajustándonos al nuevo sistema (al igual que nuestras formaciones). Mientras tanto, seguimos informándos sobre este y otros asuntos relacionados con los #eurocurros, así que no olvides unirte a nuestro Canal de Telegram YSE  para no perderte nada… pero si quieres saber más sobre lo que haremos, apuntate aquí

Ahora nos queda una última pregunta por responderte…

Aquí lo que se viene por ahora, hay más rumores de otras oposiciones pero nada confirmado aún.

¿Por qué está sucediendo esto?

Estos cambios son el resultado final de un largo proceso de transformación dentro de EPSO para que las oposiciones sean más rápidas y sencillas, queriendo reducirlas de una media de 13 meses a 6 meses de duración. Esto comenzó ya en 2020 y, en particular, después del informe del tribunal de cuentas (Court of Auditors para los amigos), donde se llegó a varias conclusiones y alguna de ellas escoció un poco (resumen breve: el proceso de selección resultaba poco eficiente para la contratación de especialistas y, en general, para todos los perfiles era demasiado largo). Al mismo tiempo que arrancaba la reflexión, llegó la pandemia y fuimos obligados a adoptar el teletrabajo (siempre que fuera posible), de lo cual no se salvó ni el EPSO y cambió a un modo de evaluación online, lo cual también ha influido en el nuevo modelo.

Tampoco olvidemos que durante la pandemia, las oposiciones continuaron, pero a partir de noviembre del año pasado, hubo una pausa de nuevas oposiciones hasta mayo de 2023, igual que generalistas AD5 quedo congelada durante 2021 y 2022. Finalmente, ha llegado el momento de ver los frutos y a principios de 2023, obtuvimos el resultado de esta reflexión, que quedará consolidado cuando tengamos en nuestras manos las nuevas convocatorias.

¡Estad alerta! ¡Más noticias pronto!